We are a 501 c 3 registered organization.
Our mission is to positively promote, educate and celebrate the rich Caribbean/West Indian American culture and the contributions we have made to our "adopted" home!
To advance, encourage and foster cultural, educational, and economic wellbeing of the Jamaican and Caribbean/ West Indian communities in the Greater New Haven area.
We aim to ensure and promote active and equal participation of Jamaican and Caribbean/West Indian Americans in all aspects of life, such as family, social, economic and political.
We are devoted to celebrating, promoting and supporting the positive values and traditions of our diverse Jamaican and Caribbean/West Indian heritage as a means to improve the quality of life for our members, as well as others who subscribe to our goals.
General Body Meetings are held on the third Sunday of each month at 5 pm. During daylight savings time, meetings are held at 6 pm.
Due to Covid our meetings are now virtual.

Trailblazer Award
Every year, we award 2 people in our community with the Trailblazer Award.
We recognize people who come from Jamaican or Caribbean/West Indian heritage who work to improve the lives of others in our community.
Community Service
We have hosted Immigration Forums, Hosted The Registrar General of Jamaica, Volunteer at the Soup Kitchen, Feed the Homeless, collect items and shipped barrels for Haiti and Dominica, Support the work of the Nathan Ebanks Foundation in Jamaica. Collected and donated children's clothing to the Woman's Centre in Jamaica through a partnership with AFJ
Family Fun Days
Bringing people together to have fun is a simple, yet often overlooked pleasure. We love providing a safe place for families to come together to enjoy food, games, conversation and most importantly, each other.
Organize Trips
Going places as a group is a fun way to create community. JAC organizes group trips to cultural events happening in the area. This is a way for us to show our support for other groups and organizations and to connect with other like-minded individuals and causes.